
There are no strangers here, only friends that we have not yet met

I've arrived safely back home with three broken bags, sore knees and a little fever, but I'm happier than ever! These last three weeks have been busy, refreshing, full of new experiences, people and cultures. I'm so knackered right now, but still feeling better than in a long time. Anyway here's some pics from the trip!

Brussels, The Grand Place


First three days I spent in Belgium, two of them in Brussels, one in Bruges. Can't say I enjoyed Brussels that much, but Bruges was lovely and I would go back any time!

Titanic Belfast

Blarney Castle

Blarney Castle

Wicklow Mountains

Wicklow Mountains, P.S I love you bridge!

Wicklow Mountains

Wicklow Mountains

Aran Islands

Aran Islands

Kylemore Abbey

Some Insta pics here!





After those three days I flew to Dublin and the next day I met Noora and spent the day with her and Paula arrived there in the evening. Noora's friend was singing at some pub on that night so we went there and headed to Temple Bar afterwards. Only few were out that night, so after an hour of sitting in some pub, we decided to go to bed and took a taxi to our hostel. The next they we headed to Belfast, went to see the place that the Titanic was built and the museum there which was very interesting. On Thursday we went down to Cork and to see the Blarney Castle and we did kiss the stone of course. I was scared to get up there, scared to hang there to kiss the stone and scared to get down aswell, but I did it! We only had 30 minutes since we didn't plan the trip that well, so it was more like a hit and run kind of thing, but I did it anyway! The grounds were beautiful over there, so I would definetly go back and explore more! For Friday we had booked a trip to the Wicklow Mountains, which was amazing! Unfortunately we arrived back to Dublin and missed the bus to Galway, so we didn't make it to Tuam on Friday and we had to stay in a hostel in Galway for a night. On Saturday we were late again and didn't catch the bus to Tuam so we had to wait for another one for an hour and had breakfast in Galway. When we got to Tuam at last, I called over to my host parents place and spent the day there having Irish breakfast, some chinese food and wine and had a chat with them. It felt like I never left the place and it was so sad to leave. I got to my hotel and went out with Ana, Paula, Lena and Maria and some new students that Lena and Maria knew. Not the best night I've had there, but good one anyway, met some people from last year and spent good time with my girls <3
On Sunday we gathered our things and went back to Galway all five of us. We wondered around and since it was a bank holiday Monday the next day, we had a night out again. On Monday was the day we went to the Aran Islands, well one of them, the middle on called Inis Meáin. Nothing much to see there really, but we had a blast thanks to the warm weather. At the end of the day we were all sleeping on the ferry. The others went back to Tuam, and I stayed in Galway until Thursday morning. On Tuesday I went for a run and wondered around Galway not doing much and met Lena and Maria who had came shopping there. We had a chat over the cups of hot chocolate and then they headed back to Tuam to their host family. On Wednesday I hopped in to a bus to Connemara and spent the day there. I met one American woman who was also travelling by herself and after the tour we went to have dinner and chatted away until 11 pm.


On Thursday morning I got up at six and almost missed the bus to the airport, but got there anyway and then I was on my way to Denmark to meet Christine and Charlotte! I got to Copenhagen and got to the train to Ringsted and met both of them there. I don't have almost any pictures from those four days we spent there, but we were mostly catching up on each others lifes so that should explain.

On Monday evening it was time to go back to Helsinki, but not yet to home, just to meet my mom to the airport and get to the plane to Rome! I was dissapointed with that city to be honest, it was worht to see, but I wouldn't go back again.. Food was delicious and the sights were interesting, but I just didn't like the atmosphere down there. On Saturday morning we were back home and when I woke up at noon, I had a fever and terrible sore knees. But I would still do the whole thing again any time, no questions asked!!!


  1. mil kameral noi kuvat on otettu? iha äly upeita!! ääh vitsit siistin näkösii paikkoi :D

    1. Tol miu Nikonin järkkärillä! 3100! Voi kiitos, miut harmittaa et ne on aavistuksen palaneita jostai kohtii.. mut joo niinpä! noihi maisemii mahollisimman pian takaisin kiitos!!
